Illnesses Do Not Form in 1 day, So How can Recovery be Immediate?
When people first hear that they are diagnosed with a certain illness, the first reaction is usually “how can it be? I feel nothing at all in the past! Why me? Why now?”
And when they finally come to seek treatment with especially alternative medicines like TCM, they DEMAND immediate results.
In TCM Classics, we have a line that says “病来如山倒,祛病如抽丝”.
What it means is, when illness comes, it comes in avalanches. And to heal and recover, it is like reeling silk from cocoon.
Basically, illnesses are not form within a day, it is an accumulation of repeated imbalances, day in day out. The fact that people don’t feel that they have any discomfort or problems before the final diagnosis is a matter of awareness. The signs and signals are already there but it is whether you are sensitive enough to listen to your body.
An obvious example is growth/tumour. It cannot be that the growth or tumour is there in a day’s time, isn’t it?
Quick solutions are usually offered by our Western counterpart, through lethal drugs or go under the knife. But if we are talking about non-invasive therapies like TCM and other holistic medicines that will retain the original integrity of the entire human inside out, it is about curing the root of the problem and not about simply numbing the sensations or nipping off the outgrowths. Alternative medicines like TCM works well when the problem is still at the functional and energetic level, and the rate of recovery is inversely related to the rate the problem become physical (such as a growth or physical change).
Rome is not built in one day, so to tear it down to the core of its foundations is also not going to be in the blink of an eye.
Solution 1: build awareness of your body. It is giving signals everyday to you.
Solution 2: interfere and seek help in alternative medicines like TCM or Western medicine early and not let things build up to a stage where there is no turning back or hard to turn back.
Solution 3: give yourself patience to recover should you be embarked on the alternative holistic healing journey.
Further Reading:
Testimonial for Digestive Health Bloatedness
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Can I exercise after acupuncture?
How Acupuncture Help with Fatigue
Facial Acupuncture - How to differentiate the real deal from the fakers
Women’s Health: It is not normal to have cysts and fibroids
Men’s Health: Signs of Male Menopause